The traditional GOLDBACH Geschenkartikel GmbH in the North Rhine-Westphalian Sauerland region has been in existence since 1959 and has been the address for retailers and wholesalers in Germany and abroad since its expansion in 2000 and the rebuilding of the Lindhövel headquarters in Sundern-Hachen.
Goldbach Geschenkartikel GmbH
Am Lindhövel 23
D-59846 Sundern-Hachen
+49 (0) 2935 / 96 55-0

Contact to Goldbach

We are gladly personally available for your inquiries. Please use the adjoining form for fast and targeted inquiries to Goldbach.

GOLDBACH Geschenkartikel GmbH
Am Lindhövel 23
D-59846 Sundern-Hachen

Telefon: +49 2935 9655-0
Telefax: +49 2935 9655-55

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